Cow Parade in Tijuana

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The world famous COW PARADE is now in Tijuana until July 27th.

Cow Parade is a festival of urban art where local artists will shape their works in fiber glass in cows donated by the Lala Foundation.

For two months, the local population and visitors to the City of Tijuana will be able to admire 70 real size cows made of fiber glass, transformed into art works.

This festival has crossed Mexico from Guadalajara to Mexico City, as well as other large cities like London, Chicago, New York, Genoa, Lisbon, etc.

Of the 70 cows on exhibition, 20 were painted by Baja California artists, as individuals or in groups, as they approached symbolic subjects of the region, like the border wall, public transport, painted Burros, among others subjects that make Tijuana a unique place to visit.

The cows will be grazing in Paseo de los Héroes Avenue, City Hall Gardens, the Morelos State Park, World Famous Revolution Avenue, Plaza Santa Cecilia (best knwon for being "Mariachi Central of Tijuana"), the Beaches and at the Tijuana International Airport.

All this is thanks to a joint effort between the LA LA Foundation and the Tijuana City Council (H. XIX Ayuntamiento de Tijuana)

For more info: